One question a lot of guys ask me is "Do women like facial hair?" And it's a good question, I mean after all what's the point of growing a beard, mustache or goatee, if women aren't going to like it.
The truth is that some women do like facial hair a lot and others say they hate it... So you can't please everybody.
My general rule of thumb when I'm advising a client about whether or not to rock facial hair is whether or not the facial hair actually makes the guy look cooler than he would look without it.
Most guys facial hair unfortunately makes them look worse, so in most cases I end up telling guys to shave that crap off of their faces.
So if you are considering whether or not to wear facial hair this is what I'd tell you:
First, feel free to experiment. After all, you only live once. Why not find out how you look with some mutton chops or even a full beard. For all you know it could be a great look for you. So grow a beard and then go out and see what kind of reactions you get. Then try shaving it down into a goatee and see how the ladies like that. Remember, the great thing about facial hair is that it isn't permanent.
Second, No matter what kind of facial hair you try make sure to keep it neat. Unless the woman in question is a total deadhead hippy stoner, almost no girl in the world likes a dirty unkept beard. That's just grody. So keep it clean and trim around the edges every day or two to keep it looking cared for.
Third, The question shouldn't really be do women like facial hair, it should be are women ATTRACTED to facial hair. The truth is women say many things that aren't necessarily true. On a concious level a woman may THINK she dislikes facial hair, but she will actually be very attracted to you with a beard... Girls can be funny like that.
So play around with it and see what kind of feedback you get. Personally my girlfriend loves it when I have facial hair, but I find it scratchy and uncomfortable so I generally stay pretty freshly shaven...
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