Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Get Laid Or Die Trying Review

So the guys at RSD sent me a copy of Jeff Allen's new book Get Laid or Die Trying... I was pretty psyched that they sent me a free book, as I've never really talked to anyone in that company or anything like that. Anyhow, I thought the least I could do was post up a little Get Laid or Die Trying Review here and let you guys know about this book...

So, the first thing you should know is that this is NOT an ebook, in fact it's a really nice hardcover black book with some nice gold leaf style lettering, which I thought was really cool. Also, the price tag on mine said 25 bucks which is really pretty inexpensive compared to all the PUA ebooks guys are charging big bucks for and you don't even get a physical book...

Anyhow, I went by my PO Box the other day when I was out doing errands with my girlfriend. I showed it to her, and she was also impressed by the look of the thing. In fact she wanted to know more so I decided to read her the first page and get a female opinion...

We were both like "Damn this guy is a good writer, and funny as hell!"

I read a lot of "how-to dating guides" for my business, and while they usually (hopefully) have some entertainment value to keep me awake, most are pretty dry. So this book is really refreshing, because it's just full of funny raunchy stuff. I don't want to give too much away, but Jeff get nasty in this book... And he does some dirty, dirty deeds!

I can say that without a doubt Jeff has done far more crazy crap than myself in this arena...

He's got a quote in there towards the beginning where he says something like " I want to experience the nastiest, dirtiest sex possible" or something to that effect.

So, to be honest I haven't finished the book yet (it's over 300 pgs), but I'm very happy with it and look forward to finishing it up soon.

It's fun read, and although it's not really a "how to book" it's most definitely got an educational aspect to it. you can pick up a copy of Get Laid or Die Trying: The Field Reports here

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