Today I thought I'd continue examining interesting PUA acronyms, and today I'm going to tackle the "IOI" or indicator of interest.
This is an acronym that kinda makes sense... More than some of the other ones I've heard of, because women certainly do show special signs when they like a guy so why not call it an IOI rather than writing out indicators of interest everytime.
Let me tell you something, IOIs kick ass and I love them!
I don't use the term "indicators of interest though." Me and my friends call it "jocking."
So when a woman is giving an IOI, we just say "oh the girl is 'jocking' you" or just "dude, she's 'jockin' me HARD."
The great thing about IOIs is that it means she's interested so whats not to love about that? It sounds better I think, but maybe thats me, that's just what we always called it growing up.
I think that the problem occurs when guys get confused over whether a girl is giving you IOI, or not and start constantly looking for IOIs all the time. That's not particularly productive,
and I'll tell you why...
The thing is, some women are going to like you and some aren't, some women are going to shoot you IOIs and some aren't. And that's just the way it goes! You shouldn't spend to much time thinking about it.
I mean you can still hook up with girls who don't give you a bunch of IOIs right off the bat. It's not like they are mandatory.
I think the real reason that guys are so obsessed with IOIs is that they feel like they can ONLY go after girls who are going to make the whole process super easy for the guy.
Guys who aren't very confident with women can take the fact that a woman is expressing interest and use that knowledge to pump themselves up so they can be bold and make moves, whether its to approach a stranger or ask a female aquaintance out on a date or what have you.
So if you have confidence issues with women IOIs can be your best friend.
If you get signals like her looking at you repeatedly, smiling at you, playing with her hair while looking at you, sticking her breasts out in your direction, or of course touching you in any way, then she is most likely jocking you.
So take that knowledge, puff up your chest, and go get her!
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